Equipment Testing

We will carry out a standard set of testing for all equipment we are selling and will highlight any issues found as well as the perceived condition of the item. Not all tests will be appropriate for a specific camera or lens, but the appropriate ones will be carried out.

Digital Camera
  1. Camera powers on with no errors
  2. It is possible to write to memory card
  3. It is possible to  read from memory card
  4. Inspect test image for any noticeable sensor issues
  5. Standard controls/buttons work
  6. LCD screens work and display correctly
  7. The viewfinder is clear
  8. If the camera uses removable lenses, test that lenses mount correctly and functions work.
Film Camera
  1. Test that the camera winds on
  2. Does the shutter release
  3. Test the shutter through all speeds and note whether the speed varies appropriately
  4. Shutter curtains open and close as expected
  5. Self timer functions
  6. If the cameras has a light meter that the meter works appropriately
  7. Condition of the viewfinder
  8. Condition of the mirror 
  9. Rangefinder functions correctly
  10. Bellows condition (specifically looking for cracks and light leaks)
  1. Shine a bright light through and check for fungus, haze, dust and scratches
  2. Attach the lens to an appropriate camera body 
  3. Test the function of aperture ( does it open and close appropriately)
  4. Test the function of focus (AF and Manual) 
  5. Function of zoom
  6. Is movement excessively stiff or loose


Equipment grading


Grade Condition
Mint As new condition, no marks, fully working
Excellent very minor usage marks detected, fully working
Very good Some minor usage marks or small scratches, fully working
Good Marks consistent with use, minor wear on edges, small scratches, fully working
Fair Heavier wear marks, possibly some minor issues with functionality, but usable
Poor Heavy wear, not fully working, would require work, should be considered as a renovation project